Warning to the parents
Attention Dads and Moms!! Do not try to relive your childhood through your child.
Just because you wanted to be or was an athlete, does not mean that this will be the choice of your child. Accept that your he/she may not become an athlete or stand out in sports. Do not blame the coach, other players or referees if your child or team does not win. Blaming others teaches responsibilities transfer and does not create opportunities to draw great lessons for life based in defeats. Do not require the expected adult behaviors of a child.
Children who are pushed beyond their abilities can lose their self-confidence, become resistant and resentful of their parents, become unsure of their abilities and do not develop persistence. Do not expect perfection, nor associate your image with your child's performance.
Perfectionism is a very high expectation to achieve and can be highly destructive. Your child is not responsible for your ego or your reputation in society